pathnavigator package
pathnavigator.att_name_convertor module
- class pathnavigator.att_name_convertor.AttributeNameConverter(_pn_org_to_valid_name=<factory>, _pn_valid_name_to_org=<factory>, _pn_invalid_name_list=<factory>)
A class to convert original names to valid attribute names and store the mapping.
- to_valid_name(name)
Convert the original name to a valid attribute name.
- get(name)
Get the valid attribute name for the given original name.
- get(name)
Get the valid attribute name for the given original name.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The original name to get the valid attribute name for.
- Return type:
- to_valid_name(name)
Convert the original name to a valid attribute name.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The original name to convert.
- Return type:
- update_invalid_name_list(invalid_name_list)
Update the list of invalid names.
- Parameters:
invalid_name_list (list) – The list of invalid names to update.
pathnavigator.folder module
- class pathnavigator.folder.Folder(name, parent_path, subfolders=<factory>, files=<factory>, _pn_object=None, _pn_converter=<factory>, _pn_current_depth=0)
A class to represent a folder in the filesystem and manage subfolders and files.
- name
The name of the folder.
- Type:
- parent_path
The path of the parent folder.
- Type:
- subfolders
A dictionary of subfolder names (keys) and Folder objects (values).
- Type:
- files
A dictionary of file names (keys) and their paths (values).
- Type:
- _pn_object
The PathNavigator object that this folder belongs to.
- Type:
- _pn_converter
The AttributeNameConverter object for converting attribute names.
- Type:
- add_to_sys_path(method='insert', index=1)
Adds the directory to the system path.
- Parameters:
method (str, optional) – The method to use for adding the path to the system path. Options are ‘insert’ (default) or ‘append’.
index (int, optional) – The index at which to insert the path if method is ‘insert’. Default is 1.
- Raises:
ValueError – If the method is not ‘insert’ or ‘append’.
>>> folder = Folder('/path/to/folder') >>> folder.add_to_sys_path() Inserted /path/to/folder at index 1 in system path.
>>> folder.add_to_sys_path(method='append') Appended /path/to/folder to system path.
>>> folder.add_to_sys_path(method='invalid') Invalid method: invalid. Use 'insert' or 'append'.
- chdir()
Set this directory as working directory.
>>> folder.chdir()
- exists(name, scan_before_checking=False)
Check if a file or subfolder exists in the current folder.
- Parameters:
name (str, optional) – The name of the file or subfolder to check.
- Returns:
True if the file or folder exists, False otherwise.
- Return type:
>>> folder = Folder(name="root") >>> folder.exists("filename_or_foldername") False
- get(*args)
Get the full path of a file or a subfolder in the current folder.
- Parameters:
*args (str) – The name of the file or the subfolder to get. If None, returns the full path of the current folder. Default is None.
- Returns:
The full path to the file or the subfolder.
- Return type:
- get_str(*args)
Get the full path of a file or a subfolder in the current folder.
- Parameters:
fname (str) – The name of the file or the subfolder to get. If None, returns the full path of the folder. Default is None.
- Returns:
The full path to the file or the subfolder.
- Return type:
>>> folder = Folder(name="root") >>> folder.get_str("file1") '/home/user/root/file1'
- join(*args)
Join the current folder path with additional path components.
- Parameters:
args (str) – Path components to join with the current folder path.
- Returns:
The full path after joining the current folder path with the provided components.
- Return type:
>>> folder = Folder(name="root") >>> folder.join("subfolder", "file.txt") '/home/user/root/subfolder/file.txt'
- list(mode='name', type=None)
List subfolders or files in the current folder.
- Parameters:
mode (str, optional) – The mode to use for listing items. Options are ‘name’ (default), ‘dir’, and ‘stem’. - ‘name’: List item names (with extensions for files). - ‘dir’: List full item paths. - ‘stem’: List file stems (filenames without extensions).
type (str, optional) – The type of items to list. Options are: - ‘folder’: List only folders. - ‘file’: List only files. - None (default): List both files and directories.
- Returns:
A list of directories or files (or both) based on the specified filters.
- Return type:
- ls()
Print the contents of the folder, including subfolders and files.
Prints subfolders first, followed by files.
>>> folder = Folder(name="root") >>> folder.subfolders['sub1'] = Folder("sub1") >>> folder.files['file1'] = "/path/to/file1" >>> Contents of '/root': Subfolders: [Dir] sub1 Files: [File] file1
- mkdir(*args)
Create a directory inside the current folder and update the internal structure.
- Parameters:
args (str) – Path components for the new directory relative to the current folder.
>>> folder = Folder(name="root") >>> folder.mkdir("new_subfolder") >>> folder.subfolders['new_subfolder'] Folder(name='new_subfolder', parent_path='/root', subfolders={}, files={})
- remove(name)
Remove a file or subfolder from the folder and delete it from the filesystem.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name of the file or folder to remove, replacing underscores with spaces if needed.
>>> folder = Folder(name="root") >>> folder.subfolders['sub1'] = Folder("sub1") >>> folder.files['file1'] = "/path/to/file1" >>> folder.remove('sub1') Subfolder 'sub1' has been removed from '/root' >>> folder.remove('file1') File 'file1' has been removed from '/root'
- scan(max_depth=inf, max_files=inf, max_folders=inf, include=None, exclude=None, _only_folders=False, _only_files=False, _depth_count=0, _clear=True)
Recursively scan subfolders and files in the current folder.
- Parameters:
max_depth (int, optional) – The maximum depth to scan. Default is math.inf.
max_files (int, optional) – The maximum number of files to scan. Default is math.inf.
max_folders (int, optional) – The maximum number of subfolders to scan. Default is math.inf.
include (str, optional) – A regex pattern to include files or folders matching the pattern. Default is None (include all).
exclude (str, optional) – A regex pattern to exclude files or folders matching the pattern. Default is None (exclude none).
_only_folders (bool, optional) – Whether to scan only subfolders. Default is False.
_only_files (bool, optional) – Whether to scan only files. Default is False.
_depth_count (int, optional) – The current depth count. Default is 0.
_clear (bool, optional) – Whether to clear the subfolders and files before scanning. Default is True.
- set_all_files_to_sc(overwrite=False, prefix='')
Add all files in the current folder to the shortcut manager.
- Parameters:
overwrite (bool, optional) – Whether to overwrite existing shortcuts. Default is False.
prefix (str, optional) – The prefix to add to the shortcut names. Default is “”.
- set_sc(name, filename=None)
Add a shortcut to this folder using the Shortcut manager.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name of the shortcut to add.
filename (str, optional) – The name of the file to add a shortcut for. Default is None.
>>> folder = Folder(name="root") >>> folder.set_sc("my_folder") Shortcut 'my_folder' added for path '/root'
- tree(level=-1, limit_to_directories=False, length_limit=1000, level_length_limit=100)
Print a visual tree structure of the folder and its contents.
- Parameters:
level (int, optional) – The max_depth of the tree to print. Default is -1 (print all levels).
limit_to_directories (bool, optional) – Whether to limit the tree to directories only. Default is False.
length_limit (int, optional) – The maximum number of lines to print. Default is 1000.
level_length_limit (int, optional) – The maximum number of lines to print per level. Default is 100.
pathnavigator.pathnavigator module
- class pathnavigator.pathnavigator.PathNavigator(root_dir=None, max_depth=inf, max_files=inf, max_folders=inf, display=False)
A class to manage the root folder and recursively load its nested structure (subfolders and files).
>>> pn = PathNavigator('/path/to/root')
>>> pn.folder1.get() # returns the full path to folder1 as a Path object. >>> pn.folder1.get_str() # returns the full path to folder1 as a string. >>> pn.folder1.get("file.txt") # returns the full path to file.txt as a Path object. >>> pn.get("folder1") # returns the full path to folder1 as a Path object. >>> pn.folder1.get_str("file.txt") # returns the full path to file.txt as a string.
>>> pn.folder1.set_sc('my_folder') # set the shortcut to folder1 which can be accessed by or"my_folder") or"my_folder"). >>> pn.folder1.set_sc('my_file', 'file.txt') # set the shortcut to file.txt which can be accessed by or"my_file") or"my_file"). >>>'shortcut_name', 'shortcut_path') # add a customized shortcut independent to pn internal folder structure.
>>> # prints the contents (subfolders and files) of folder1. >>> pn.tree() # prints the entire nested folder structure.
>>> pn.folder1.chdir() # change the current directory to folder1. >>> pn.folder1.add_to_sys_path() # add folder1 to the system path.
>>> pn.exists('folder1') # check if folder1 exists in the folder structure. >>> pn.folder1.listdirs() # returns a list of subfolders in folder1. >>> pn.folder1.listfiles() # returns a list of files in folder1.
>>> pn.mkdir('folder1', 'folder2') # make a subfolder under the root. In this case, 'root/folder1/folder2' will be created. >>> pn.remove('folder1') # removes a file or subfolder from the folder and deletes it from the filesystem.
pathnavigator.shortcut module
- class pathnavigator.shortcut.Shortcut
A class to manage shortcuts to specific paths and access them as attributes.
- add(name, path, overwrite=False)
Add a new shortcut as an attribute. automatically converts the name to a valid attribute name.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name of the shortcut.
path (str) – The path that the shortcut refers to.
overwrite (bool, optional) – Whether to overwrite an existing shortcut. Default is False.
>>> shortcut = Shortcut() >>> shortcut.add("my_folder", "/path/to/folder") >>> shortcut.my_folder '/path/to/folder'
- add_all_files(directory, overwrite=False, prefix='')
Add all files in a given directory as shortcuts.
- Parameters:
directory (str or Path) – The directory containing the files to add as shortcuts.
overwrite (bool, optional) – Whether to overwrite existing shortcuts. Default is False.
>>> shortcut = Shortcut() >>> shortcut.add_all_files_in_directory("/path/to/directory")
- clear()
Remove all shortcuts.
>>> shortcut = Shortcut() >>> shortcut.add("my_folder", "/path/to/folder") >>> shortcut.clear() >>> hasattr(shortcut, "my_folder") False
- get(name)
Retrieve the path of a shortcut.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name of the shortcut.
- Returns:
The path associated with the shortcut.
- Return type:
>>> shortcut = Shortcut() >>> shortcut.add("my_folder", "/path/to/folder") >>> shortcut.get("my_folder") '/path/to/folder'
- get_str(name)
Retrieve the path of a shortcut.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name of the shortcut.
- Returns:
The path associated with the shortcut.
- Return type:
>>> shortcut = Shortcut() >>> shortcut.add("my_folder", "/path/to/folder") >>> shortcut.get("my_folder") '/path/to/folder'
- load_dict(data, overwrite=False)
Load shortcuts from a dictionary.
- Parameters:
data (dict) – A dictionary where keys are shortcut names and values are paths.
overwrite (bool, optional) – Whether to overwrite existing shortcuts. Default is False.
>>> shortcut = Shortcut() >>> shortcut.load_dict({"project": "/path/to/project", "data": "/path/to/data"})
- load_json(filename, overwrite=False)
Load shortcuts from a JSON file.
- Parameters:
filename (str) – The name of the file containing the shortcuts in JSON format.
overwrite (bool, optional) – Whether to overwrite existing shortcuts. Default is False.
>>> shortcut = Shortcut() >>> shortcut.load_json("shortcuts.json")
- load_yaml(filename, overwrite=False)
Load shortcuts from a YAML file.
- Parameters:
filename (str) – The name of the file containing the shortcuts in YAML format.
overwrite (bool, optional) – Whether to overwrite existing shortcuts. Default is False.
>>> shortcut = Shortcut() >>> shortcut.load_yaml("shortcuts.yml")
- ls()
List all shortcuts and their paths.
>>> shortcut = Shortcut() >>> shortcut.add("my_folder", "/path/to/folder") >>> Shortcuts: my_folder -> /path/to/folder
- remove(name)
Remove a shortcut by name and delete its attribute.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name of the shortcut to remove.
>>> shortcut = Shortcut() >>> shortcut.add("my_folder", "/path/to/folder") >>> shortcut.remove("my_folder") >>> hasattr(shortcut, "my_folder") False
- to_dict(to_str=False)
Return all shortcuts as a dictionary.
- Parameters:
to_str (bool, optional) – Whether to convert all Path objects to strings. Default is False.
- Returns:
A dictionary representation of all shortcuts.
- Return type:
>>> shortcut = Shortcut() >>> shortcut.add("my_folder", "/path/to/folder") >>> shortcut.to_dict() {'my_folder': '/path/to/folder'}
- to_json(filename='shortcuts.json')
Return all shortcuts as a JSON string and save it to a file.
- Parameters:
filename (str) – The name of the file where the JSON string will be saved.
- Returns:
A JSON string representation of all shortcuts.
- Return type:
>>> shortcut = Shortcut() >>> shortcut.add("my_folder", "/path/to/folder") >>> shortcut.to_json("shortcuts.json") '{"my_folder": "/path/to/folder"}'
- to_yaml(filename='shortcuts.yml')
Return all shortcuts as a YAML string and save it to a file.
- Parameters:
filename (str) – The name of the file where the YAML string will be saved.
- Returns:
A YAML string representation of all shortcuts.
- Return type:
>>> shortcut = Shortcut() >>> shortcut.add("my_folder", "/path/to/folder") >>> shortcut.to_yaml("shortcuts.yml") my_folder: /path/to/folder
Module contents
- pathnavigator.create(root_dir=None, max_depth=inf, max_files=inf, max_folders=inf)
Create a PathNavigator object with the given root directory and load nested directories.
- Parameters:
root_dir (str) – The root directory to manage. If it is not given, we use the current working directory and load_nested_dirs will be set to False.
max_depth (int) – The maximum depth to load the nested directories. Default is math.inf.
max_files (int) – The maximum number of files to load. Default is math.inf.
max_folders (int) – The maximum number of subdirectories to load. Default is math.inf.
- Returns:
The PathNavigator object with the given root directory.
- Return type: